Adidas a lancé une campagne pour promouvoir la réédition de baskets emblématiques des Jeux olympiques de Munich de 1972. L’un des visages de cette campagne était Bella Hadid, aux racines palestiniennes, qui a fréquemment participé à des manifestations pro-palestiniennes et, depuis le 7 octobre, condamné à de multiples reprises les bombardements israéliens sur Gaza: de nombreux responsables israéliens avaiennt dénoncé sa participation, arguant que cette compétition avait été ensanglantée par l’attentat mené par un groupe terroriste palestinien. Sous la pression, Adidas a présenté ses excuses et retiré la mannequin de sa campagne.
Lettre à Adidas
« Dear Adidas, Executive Team,
I am following up on the public backlash against your launch of the campaign collaboration with Bella Hadid to promote a shoe commemorating the 1972 Munich Olympics. While I understand that Adidas has acknowledged the concerns raised and has stated an intention to revise the remainder of the campaign, I must express that this response is not an adequate recognition of the horrific implications inherent in the original marketing strategy.
The 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre, perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists from the Black September organization, was a horrific attack on what should have been a peaceful and celebratory gathering of humanity to compete in sport. The tragic massacre of 11 Israeli Olympic athletes, inside their dorm in the Olympic Village, was traumatizing to the Israeli people and to the Jewish community worldwide. Adidas invoking this dark memory through the launch of their sneaker campaign is chilling, not least of all because they chose their spokeswoman as Palestinian-American model, Bella Hadid. Hadid is known for her antisemitic rhetoric and blood libels, which she spreads to her millions of social media followers.
Your commitment to revise the campaign does not address the core issue: the selection of a spokesperson, such as Bella Hadid, whose public statements and actions have not only perpetuated existing antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories but also demonstrated a disregard for the Jewish and Israeli community. The association of your product with an individual known for spreading divisive and harmful rhetoric undermines the solemnity of the commemoration and sends a troubling message about Adidas’ values and priorities.
I urge Adidas to take decisive and meaningful action by ending its collaboration with Bella Hadid. This step would demonstrate a genuine commitment to honoring the memory of the Munich victims and standing against antisemitism in all its forms. Anything less fails to fully acknowledge the gravity of the original misstep and its impact on the Jewish community and beyond.
As a global leader, Adidas has a responsibility to promote values of inclusivity, respect, and unity. Taking a strong stand against antisemitism and ensuring that your marketing strategies reflect these values is crucial. I hope that Adidas will reconsider its position and take the necessary actions to address this issue appropriately.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter. I look forward to seeing Adidas take an unequivocal stance against antisemitism and in support of the values that should guide all corporate actions and partnerships.
Henryk Paszt
InfoEquitable.org תיקון«
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