Elle affirme que « le lobby juif » contrôle l’Amérique, qu’Israël commet un génocide et crie « Du fleuve à la mer »
La réponse d’Hillel Neuer
Debate targeting Israel, United Nations Human Rights Council, 26 March 2024
Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine:
“Following nearly 6 months of unrelenting Israeli assault on occupied Gaza, it is my solemn duty to report on the worst of what humanity is capable of, and to present my findings: The Anatomy of a Genocide.”
“People around the world are taking to the streets, gathering, protesting, and demanding a ceasefire, an end to ithe llegality, an end to impunity, injustice, and equal rights of all: From the River to the Sea.”
Hillel Neuer, United Nations Watch:
Ms. Albanese, your report accuses Israel of “genocide.” At page 2, you say your report does not examine the Hamas crimes of October 7th, because “they are beyond the geographic scope of [my] mandate.”
Ms. Albanese, you went on a recent official trip to Australia, all expenses paid by the UN. Could you explain how Australia is within the geography of your mandate, but not the mass murder, rape, torture committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7th, invading Israel from Gaza, kidnapping hundreds of hostages, including babies and Holocaust survivors?
If you ignore the Hamas massacre that started the war, the 14,000 rockets fired against Israeli towns, 130 hostages now being tortured in Gaza, how can you possibly understand the war?
And though you say it’s not in your mandate, you have commented. On February 10, you mocked the statement of President Macron that October 7th constituted the greatest antisemitic massacre of our century. You said the victims were “not killed because of their Judaism,” but rather “in reaction to Israel’s oppression.”
In response—for the first time in the history of the United Nations—both France and Germany condemned a UN rapporteur for antisemitism.
France replied to you that “The October 7 massacre is the biggest antisemitic massacre of the 21st century,” and “to deny it is wrong.”
France said it was “scandalous” and “a disgrace” for you “to appear to justify it, by dragging in the name of the United Nations.”
Germany said it was “appalling” for you “to justify the horrific terror attacks and to “deny their antisemitic nature.” Germany said your remarks were “a disgrace.”
We agree.
Never before in the history of the United Nations did France or Gemany condemn a rapporteur for antisemitism. Francesca Albanese is now the first. She says “the Jewish lobby” controls America, Israel commits genocide, and cries out “From the River to the Sea.” I took the floor: pic.twitter.com/P4H53c4EFa
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) March 27, 2024
Cette femme tient un discours de nazie, avec des arguments dignes de la propagande antisémite hitlérienne et tant pis si on parle de point Godwin. Je ne crois pas que ce soit excessif de le signaler. C’est une évidence.
» Le fiel et la bêtise « .
La bêtise me semble devoir être exclue.
L’ONU est une organisation terroriste. Aucun pays, a fortiori Israël, ne devrait plus tenir aucun compte de ses déclarations et prises de position : il faudrait un nouveau procès de Nuremberg ou seraient jugés les membres de l’ONU, la Croix Rouge et autres associations de criminels.
En réponse à ses odieuses calomnies puant la propagande hitlérienne, il paraît nécessaire de rappeler à cette nazie islamo-collabo (faisant partie de l’ONU, horreur absolue) qu’Israël n’est pas l’agresseur, qu’il n’a fait que répondre à une ignoble et monstrueuse attaque, un inimaginable massacre, qu’il s’agit de sa part d’une guerre de défense tout à fait légitime contre un ennemi mortel qui est également l’ennemi mortel des chrétiens de tous pays ?
« l’islamisme radical tue et ne demande qu’à continuer, comme l’ont rappelé les dirigeants du Hamas bien déterminés à recommencer, et même à améliorer leurs performances macabres. » (F. Bonardel pour Causeur).