Avril 2016:
This week, Moriah Films is honoring Imam Hassen Chalghoumi, leading Muslim cleric and founder of the Conference of Imams of France, in the latest short film from Courage+Valor: Stories that Inspire.
Chalghoumi, who came to France from his native Tunisia in 1996, is the founder of the Conference of Imams of France and the Imam of the Drancy Mosque.
Drancy is notorious for being the railway point where thousands of French Jews were deported to Nazi death camps during the Holocaust and Chalghoumi believes that it is not a coincidence that he got there.
He teaches that the Holocaust was a tragedy to the Jewish people but also a tragedy for all humanity.
Chalghoumi, who has been called a « Puppet of the Jewish community, » the « Imam of the Jews, » is well-known for his involvement in interfaith forums and initiatives and has received many death threats for his friendly ties with CRIF, the umbrella group representing French Jewish communities, and for visiting Israel several times. ISIS has put a fatwa on Chalghoumi‘s life.
Despite this, he perseveres. « We cannot raise our hands in surrender. We have to continue with our work. In the end, this violent minority will not have the final word; I will continue to struggle actively against racism and extremism, » he said.
In 2016, Chalghoumi accepted the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Medal of Valor.
L’imam de Drancy est régulièrement salué pour sa « promotion du dialogue inter-religieux ».
Le dîner annuel national du Centre Simon Wiesenthal, décrit par le journal local The Hollywood Reporter comme « le principal rassemblement de la communauté juive de Los Angeles » fut alors l’occasion de la Cérémonie.
Le Centre Simon Wiesenthal, qui lutte contre le racisme et perpétue la mémoire de la Shoah, avait décidé, parmi différentes personnalités américaines, de saluer le travail de l’imam français Hassen Chalghoumi pour son combat contre l’antisémitisme.
Hassen Chalghoumi avait déclaré:
« Mon combat c’est celui d’une vie, de chaque instant. C’est d’abord celui d’un homme qui croit en l’humanité. C’est aussi celui d’un Imam, porté par la dévotion à l’Islam, convaincu que l’antisémitisme, le racisme et l’extrémisme n’ont pas droit de cité. »
En savoir plus sur RT France : https://francais.rt.com/france/19453-hassen-chalghoumi-recompense-centre-wiesenthal
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